The July 2015 meeting of the Northeast Iowa Radio Amateur's Association (NIRAA) was called to order at 7:06 pm on July 11, 2015 by Mark Colby (N8TWO). We had 9 members (8 ARRL) and 2 guests, for a total of 11 in attendance. Last month's meeting minutes were approved as emailed, N0TKC/N0CF Treasurer's report was $845.31 in the general account, accepted AE0TB/K0DV OLD BUSINESS ------------ station remote - currently still on hold elmers - no progress from Curt Field Day wrapup will be discussed at the August meet at lookout park New Business ------------ hamfest reivew - next time lets go one space over to get out of traffic from the university ave exit - other than that everything went well ragbrai communications - W0ALO is having difficulty meeting up with our contact - need to clarify who's providing the radios - will need a couple volunteers. current interested: +W0ALO +N0CF jambouri on the air coming up - got our initial planning meeting done with the scouts - kip won't loan us any FRS radios - N0ZYC has three, possibly more - WA0TPN has two - N0CF has two but needs AA batteries - event is Oct 16-18, need to prepare before then - N8TWO/N0ZYC will probably need to meet with scouts one more time Nov xmas party - against the grain raised prices, we are switching (room fee $100, serivce charge $98, plate 15 -> 20) they've driven us out - K0DV suggesting: sean worked in brown bottle CF basic dinners start at $12, goes up, full bar - Mark has placed in initial reservations - sign up sheet in Sept meeting to get a headcount - N0TKC volunteers as second contact VE session sept 19 NIRAA met at lookout park in leu of a club meeting - played radio a bit, chased out by tstorms motion to adjourn WA0TPN / N0ZYC tonight's meeting is by Marie, Program Manager / Trainer for CERT, on Emergency Management W0MG may be able to move into the EOC's communications center which is going away everbridge has been replaced with AlertIowa, a new emergency management alert system. has same phone contact info imported. but everyone is encouraged to sign up for it on your land line, cell phone, and email. enroll on black hawk county web site to sign up CALENDAR -------- Regular events: - ARES net check-in is at 9pm every Sunday night, on 146.94/34 - hams meet informally at 9am every Monday morning at HyVee on University Ave - hams meet informally at 12pm every Tuesday for Taco Tuesday at Taco John on University Ave - Iowa Digital Net runs every Tues night at 7pm on 3572.5 / 3574 ctr USB Upcoming Events: - Jambouri on the Air is on Oct 16-18 Ingawanis scout camp northeast of janesville (west of Grand and Hilton) taking sign ups for that also Ron Sindric notified me of an upcoming Maker's Faire: In November from 06 through 08 there will be a MINI RETAIL MAKER'S FAIRE at the local Waterloo BARNES & NOBLE. It will be similar to the one in CR This activity has HAM RADIO marked all over it. Pass it on. I am sure some members will be interested. You can contact the store manager at the Waterloo store too. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The NIRAA club meets on the 2nd Saturday of every month in the basement of the Red Cross building (2530 University Ave) in Waterloo. Anyone interested in ham radio is welcome to attend. Our primary club repeater is on 146.94 mhz, negative offset, PL tone of 136.5 hz, with coverage centered in Black Hawk County. Officers may be contacted over the air or via email: President, Mark Colby, N8TWO, pres(a) Vice President, Curtis Wilson, NKØT, vp(a) Secretary, Nathan Fisher, NØZYC, sec(a) Treasurer, Scott Lowe, WAØTPN, treas(a) Director, Chris Conklin, NØCF, dir1(a) Director, Stan Johnson, WØSJ, dir2(a) Director, Tom Bicket, AEØTB, dir3(a) - Nathan Fisher Secretary, W0MG You're receiving these meeting minutes because you have given the NIRAA club your email address for minutes or announcements. If you no longer wish to receive email, please reply requesting removal from one or both distribution lists.