Northeast Iowa Radio Amateur Association (NIRAA/W0MG) Meeting Minutes, May 2015 The April 2015 meeting of the Northeast Iowa Radio Amateur's Association (NIRAA) was called to order at 7:02 pm on May 09, 2015 by Mark Colby (N8TWO). We had another good turnout tonight, with xxxx members (xxxx ARRL) and xxxx guests, for a total of xxxx in attendance. Last month's meeting minutes were approved as emailed, TARYN / TOM Treasurer's report was $ 1000.12 in the general account, accepted xxxx / xxxx insurance $247 approved to pay, k0cqh / w0hhf old business tour de scouts / camporee 50-100 scounts got a thank you letter stan has a new gen mobile, needs only really a low pf tunable cap new tech classes classes on hold, trying to get an instructor from waverly club station for remote control waiting on getting incoming ports open on the router, AE0TB is working on it elmers assigned to new hams curt is working on it new business hamfest in july flyers are printed and being handed out tom AE0TB will email gordan west to announce it we also have a facebook page to advertise it on jamboree on the air oct 16-18 mark working on getting coordinated inviting girlscouts too (10-12) last year we hadh 18 scouts, maybe need a 2nd station and foxhunting contacting the ISS would be fun field day tim (AE0UK) spoke otter creek outside toledo 1-3 stations hf, uhf/vhf shelter reserved testing mobile vhf repeater BYOR operate 24 hrs 1 to 1 set up 8-9 am take down sun afternoon potluck tents tama county may be bringing their EMA trailer down, UHF/VHF station 1 trailer and several tents set up near shelter, tarp it off DK0Q glenn (corm?) EMC for tama is there motion carried 100% to do dual coverage on field day ragbrai going to contact volunteer gorup to see if they would like our assistance being careful to specify we are offering communications help barbara hildebrand is XYL of SK bernie (W8NBC) gear for sale yeasu 8900r $400 w/antenna antenna HF working as a base ps pyramid 25A $50 oscilloscope 465 ~60mhz $50 rc helicopters p51 mustang 6ft wingsan NIB $500 break, lois with pumpkin bars next meeting is field day prep, no presentation Motion to adjourn, W0SJ / W0HHF This month's presentation was by Nathan Fisher (N0ZYC) on tape measure beams for RDF. The June meeting presentation will be on xxxx. The sign-up sheet for Intermission Snacks is currently empty. We're looking for volunteers for upcoming meetings, to provide a small snack if the tradition is to continue. Please contact Mark (N8TWO) if you'd like to help out. Regular amateur events: - ARES net check-in is at 9pm every Sunday night, on 146.94/34 - hams meet informally at 9am every Monday morning at HyVee on University Ave - hams meet informally at 12pm every Tuesday for Taco Tuesday at Taco Johns - Iowa Digital Net runs every Tues night at 7pm on 3572.5 / 3574 ctr USB Upcoming Events: - VE Testing will be held at 10 AM on Saturday May 30, at the Curris business building on UNI campus. Please contact Chris (N0CF) in advance to make sure sufficient materials are available for the day of the test. - W0MG Swap Meet will be held again at the University Ave HyVee parking lot, Saturday July 11, 8am-noon. Spread the word! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The NIRAA club meets on the 2nd Saturday of every month in the basement of the Red Cross building (2530 University Ave) in Waterloo. Anyone interested in ham radio is welcome to attend. Our primary club repeater is on 146.94 mhz, negative offset, PL tone of 136.5 hz, with coverage centered in Black Hawk County. Officers may be contacted over the air or via email: President, Mark Colby, N8TWO, pres(a) Vice President, Curtis Wilson, NKØT, vp(a) Secretary, Nathan Fisher, NØZYC, sec(a) Treasurer, Scott Lowe, WAØTPN, treas(a) Director, Chris Conklin, NØCF, dir1(a) Director, Stan Johnson, WØSJ, dir2(a) Director, Tom Bicket, AEØTB, dir3(a) - Nathan Fisher Secretary, W0MG You're receiving these meeting minutes because you have given the NIRAA club your email address for minutes or announcements. If you no longer wish to receive email, please reply requesting removal from one or both distribution lists.