Northeast Iowa Radio Amateur Association W0MG MEETING MINUTES, February 14, 2015 The February meeting of the Northeast Iowa Radio Amateur Association (NIRAA) was held on Saturday February 14, 2015 at 7:02 pm. The meeting was called to order by Mark Colby (N8TWO). Sixteen were in attendance this evening, including two guests. (see below for the attendance list) Minutes were accepted K0CQH/KE0DBS. Meeting minutes were delayed considerably, I will be specifically scheduling the weekend following the meeting to send out minutes henceforth. Treasurer reports a balance of $847.07, accepted K0CQH/W0ALO. A correction to last month's minutes, checks for dues should be made payable to W0MG, not to Scott. Old Business started with a review of the scout bike ride, more details are trickling in. The day will include two rides. We have a number of members interested in participating and will require at least three operators in total, including start and end bases, and one or more mobile operators. Considering the interest level, club particpiation should not be a challenge. This would be a good time to distribute some of the recently disussed new club informtaion handouts. By now Spencer (KD0ZJE) should have forwarded some rough drafts and concept art to Mark. W0MG has sponsored several tests and tech classes recently, and is meeting with great success. Of the five most recent testers, we have four new licensed operators, several of them XYLs finally picking up the mic. Another tech class is proposed for March or perhaps a little later. Volunteers for instruction abound. (Lois, Stan, Mark, Dave, David) Field Day discussions focused heavily on nearby events including Otter Creek, and the possible use of the EOC communications trailer, possibly for a joint 24-hr event. Considering recent light field day attendance, a combined effort may yield better results. Primary planning for field day is slated for the June meeting. Further discussion of community outreach for the club was also revisited. Opportunities to introduce ham radio to youth in a school setting continues to be a promising approach, but no specific opportunities have materialized yet. New business was brief this evening, we hooked no volunteers for the March program. Anyone interested in conducting a program or demonstration, please contct Mark. This year's WeatherSpotter Training is scheduled for March 23 at 6:30 pm, in Tama Hall at Hawkeye Community College. Those who already have a spotter ID may still wish to attend to get a refresher. New spotters please rememeber that merely attending the meeting does not officially make you a spotter, you'll need to follow the provided instructions as given to sign up following your attending the training. In addition to being able to provide higher quality infortmation, officially recognized spotters will enjoy a higher level of interaction with emergency management services than untrained civilians. Motion to adjourn at 7:18, by KE0AIX/W0ALO, the two up with presentations to follow - coincidence? Mark brought a little snack for the intermission, but members had descended on the table even before the call to order, and there was little left by intermission. Seems to have been a success, though we didn't get any volunteers for the next meeting? Jerome led the post-meeting presentations by covering CERT, and was followed by Chuck with a brief recap of ARES and then shared many of his exciting stories of ARES responses he has experienced in his many years as an ARES member. EVENT REMINDERS --------------- The Winter RF Fest is almost upon us, next weekend, Feb 28 in Perry. Mahaska Hams Swapmeet is March 21 at the American Legion Hall in Oskaloosa Field Day is on June 27. The upcoming W0MG hamfest / ”junk-in-the-trunk”. Hy-Vee has been reserved for the morning of July 11, the morning of the July meeting. Get the word out. The NIRAA club meets on the 2nd Saturday of the month in the basement of the American Red Cross building on University Ave in Waterloo. Check-in occurs every Sunday evening at 9:00 PM on the W0MG primary VHF repeater. (146.94/34, 136.5 tone) Our next meeting will be held on Saturday, March 14, presentation TBA. This month's attendance: members: KE0DBR Alice Palas W0ALO Chuck Angel NK0T Curtis Wilson KD0DK David Kelly K0CQH Dave Knittel KE0AIX Jerome Palas WA0ILD Kermit Kittleson KA0DBC Lois Johnson N8TWO Mark Colby N0ZYC Nathan Fisher W0SJ Stan Johnson KE0DBS Taryn Colby AE0TB Tom Bicket N0RXB Wendell Wagner guests: Everett Siddell Vicki Bicket Officers may be contacted over the air or via email: President, Mark Colby, N8TWO, pres(a) Vice President, Curtis Wilson, NKØT, vp(a) Secretary, Nathan Fisher, NØZYC, sec(a) Treasurer, Scott Lowe, WAØTPN, treas(a) Director, Chris Conklin, NØCF, dir1(a) Director, Stan Johnson, WØSJ, dir2(a) Director, Tom Bicket, AEØTB, dir3(a) - Nathan Fisher Secretary, W0MG You're receiving these meeting minutes because you have given the NIRAA club your email address for minutes an announcements. If you no longer wish to receive email, please reply requesting removal from one or both distribution lists.