Northeast Iowa Radio Amateur Association W0MG MEETING MINUTES, January 10, 2015 The January meeting of the Northeast Iowa Radio Amateur Association (NIRAA) was held on Saturday January 10, 2015 at 7:04 pm. The meeting was called to order by new president Mark Colby (N8TWO). Post-holiday turnout was light with 9 members and no guests in attendance. Re-elected treasurer Scott Lowe (WA0TPN) reported no financial activity and a treasury balance of $807. (accepted K0CQH/NK0T) Scott would like to remind club members that dues for 2015 ($20 for members, spouses free) can be provided to him in person (in check or cash) at the club meeting, or check by mail (110 Spruce St, Reinbeck) if more convenient. Please make checks payable to ”Scott Lowe”. Old business was reviewed by treasurer Dick Nelson (W0HHF). Discussion included reviewing assistance with the Spring Campboree for the boyscouts, where they need assistance coordinating communication on their bike ride. W0MG is looking for 3-5 volunteers for May 2, to provide radio communication at both endpoints as well as several bicycle mobile operators. Anyone wishing to volunteer please contact Mark Colby. Kip Ladage (KD0GFX) has offered to hold another tech class sometime around March. Being a group/instructor based class, it will most likely be presented for preparation for the entry class (Amateur) license. New business focused mainly on strengthening the club’s presence and visibility in the area, and the attraction of new membership in the coming year. A variety of ideas were discussed, mainly focusing on various forms of tangible club advvertisement. Several members have offered to draft a variety of printed materials (postcards, flyers, business cards etc) to create attractive and professional looking media that can be passed on individually as well as handed out at club-sponsored and club-presence events. Reminder to the upcoming W0MG hamfest / ”junk-in-the-trunk”. Hy-Vee has been reserved for July 11. Advertisement, including informing the ARRL, needs to be completed. Visit for the flyer, and get the word out. Another reminder, field Day is on June 27. Specific plans for field day will be discussed in more detail over the course of the next few meetings. An old tradition of someone bringing ”intermission snacks” for the meeting was also discussed. Mark Colby has volunteered to re-light the torch for the February meeting. Also for the next meeting, Chuck Angel (W0ALO) will be doing a presentation on CERT. This meeting of the WOMG AIRAA was then adjourned. (W0ALO/K0CQH) Following the break, this month’s presentation was given by Curt Wilson (NK0T), ”Basic antenna construction, and inexpensive tools everyone should have on their bench”. Curt brought in a wide variety of hand tools and other basic hardware and demonstrated how everyday tools can be effectively used for electronics work as well as some easily improvised tools useful for antenna design and construction. This club meets on the 2nd Saturday of the month in the basement of the Amercan Red Cross building on University Ave in Waterloo. Check-in occurs every Sunday evening at 9:00 PM on the W0MG primary VHF repeater. (146.94/34, 136.5 tone) Our next meeting will be held on Saturday, February 14, and will feature a presentation on CERT. Officers may be contacted over the air or via email: President, Mark Colby, N8TWO, Vice President, Curtis Wilson, NKØT, Secretary, Nathan Fisher, NØZYC, Treasurer, Scott Lowe, WAØTPN, Director, Chris Conklin, NØCF, Director, Stan Johnson, WØSJ, Director, Tom Bicket, AEØTB, - Nathan Fisher Secretary, W0MG